Friday, April 13, 2007

More stuff?

Man, it sure has been a while since I wrote anything. (I don't mean I haven't been working on my dissertation or my class, I mean I haven't been "blogging..." - in case anyone's wondering) So what's going on lately? Nothing. Well, almost nothing. I have been working on the dissertation, teaching the class, and spending time with Alicia. I also recently discovered this new website called "ebay," which apparently allows people to buy and sell stuff in auctions, most of which are probably rigged. I have been researching the proper lens for my camera, so that I can suddenly and magically learn how to take good pictures with it. I'm not talking about the digital camera, of course, all those pictures turn out great every time. I'm talking about the old-fashioned film camera that I have. I have been kicking around the idea of getting into archaeological photography for a couple years now, and one of the things that I'll have to do is learn how to actually take a decent picture. So, I shot a roll of pictures last month. Most of them turned out ok at best, and part of the reason for this is that I'm not very good at it. But I also noticed that some of the pictures aren't very good because there are some issues with the lenses - so parts of the picture (the corners and edges) might be underexposed or slightly out of focus even though the rest (usually the middle portion) looks fine. As it turns out, there's more to taking pictures than just pulling the trigger. I don't care much about most of that, but the point of all of this is that I am trying to track down a really good lens so I won't be able to blame my poor photography on my equipment. Then I can figure out how to fix my problems and maybe actually become a decent photographer.

As far as the "fixed" foot goes, I'm still just walking around and taking it really easy on the foot. I'm not supposed to be doing anything more than that for three more weeks or so - remember, I decided to wait until I have gotten a good x-ray from the surgeon before I can do anything even remotely strenuous.

I guess that's as exciting as it gets around here. At least, that's all I can think of right now. Not very interesting, but that's what I have to work with right now!

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