Monday, April 30, 2007


So you'd think I just gave up on the blog, but in fact that would be a wrong way to look at things. I prefer to think that I have just been too stinking busy to post as frequently as I should. Of course, in the bigger scheme of things it's far more important that I keep up the writing on my dissertation, and that I make sure my class is going reasonably well. But my (3) loyal readers out there are surely pining for the occasional note about my foot's verrrrrrry slow recovery, as well as any events that might be of more general interest. I'll start with the latter: our good friend Past-Sho managed, though means unknown to us, to snag a huge trove of tickets to the local (amateur) hockey team, the Cincinnati Cyclones. So we have been fortunate enough to accompany him to some of those games throughout the season. Now that the playoffs are into full swing, we have been trying to follow "our" team, even attending some of the playoff games just to make sure that we maintain our winning ways. I have discovered that I am the single weak link in the Cyclones' chain, because they seem to lose when I come to games, but they win every other game. I should note that it's a bit weird to be attending hockey games now that summer is really starting to shine, but I guess that's how these things work.

As for my foot's progress, I'm pleased to report that it feels today exactly as it did nearly three months ago, when the operation was done. I have a visit to the surgeon tomorrow, and am really hoping that the x-rays will convince him that the bone is completely healed. But I have learned enough over the past months to know that that's unlikely at best. He may say the bone is healed, but he'll also warn me to take it easy on it for a while longer. Or, more likely, he'll say that this darn' bone just doesn't seem to want to heal, so I should keep taking it easy for a couple more weeks (or months). I'm mostly just planning for the worst case scenario, so that if I get any news other than that, I'll be quite pleased.

We're doing the Aeneid in my class these days, and so I should get back to that.

Happy (almost) May, y'all!


  1. Am I counted as one of the 3?

    If it makes you feel better, my wife sprained both ankles the week after Christmas and is still recovering...

  2. I believe my chiropractor worsened my stress fracture. I have a tibial stress fracture...causing pain I thought was my knee. The chiropractor said my leg was out of alignment, pulled my leg and whacked the sides of my knee to put things back. I told him this was hurting...but he didn't stop. The pain got worse, and I had an MRI from the sports doctor and found a severe stress fracture. No more chiropractor for me.
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    metatarsal stress fracture
